November 2010 - Avoid Airport Scans - Drive I-95

Driving North or South along the US East Coast?


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Even in our Internet age, it would take hours of Googling and GPSing to
research and compile information to make a trip down the East Coast’s I-95 both
easy and fun. We have done all this work for you again with the brand new 5th
edition (and PDF e-book / iPad app or USB key). Here are some tidbits:

VA-	Breeding People
NC-     Put on Pounds
FL-     Speed Like a Race Car Driver
NH-   	Strawbery Banke not Strawberry Fields
GA-	Be Bubba Gump
MA-	Searching for Weapons of Mass Destruction
FL-     Church in Your Bathing Suit?

Breeding People

VA Exit 177: In Alexandria, VA at the new (and free) Freedom House Museum, you
will learn that in 1808, the U.S. outlawed the importation of slaves. Clever
entrepreneurs did not let this stop the sale of slaves (who were still so
necessary for plantation life) — they simply bred them! The slaves were
encouraged to have as many children as possible so they could be auctioned off.
The museum’s building was once headquarters for the Franklin and Armfield Slave
Pen, the largest and most successful domestic slave-trading firm in America.
Between the 1830s and 1860s, Virginia exported more than 10,000 slaves a year
to the Deep South, and the total may have reached 300,000. 1315 Duke St. Tel:
703-836-2858. [2]

Put on Pounds

NC Exit 79: We’d heard rumblings for a few years about the Donnell with the
winning cake “pound cake lady” (Jan Matthews-Hodges) and her blue-ribbon awards
(Best in Show, NC State Fair). We finally found her baking in a former school
in Benson, NC. We still drool every time we remember the taste (moist and
buttery with a slight crunchy sugar crust) of the pound cake we ate fresh out
of the oven. Sure, you can buy the cake in lemon, orange, chocolate or the new
sweet potato flavor, or shortbread cookies or brownies, but why bother when the
original is so yummy? 310 S. Lee St. Tel: 919-894-8448. [3]www.thebestcake

Speed Like a Race Car Driver

FL Exit 32: If the traffic isn’t rolling fast enough for you, you can head to
Xtreme Indoor Karting in Fort Lauderdale. You will feel like a real race car
driver as you don a jump suit, professional helmet and neck brace, and then
lower yourself into one of the 40 European Bowman race karts. The karts can
reach 45 mph around the ½-mile asphalt track! Don't worry, there are safety
marshals on hand. The facility also features 120 arcade games, including Nascar
race simulators, mini bowling lanes, and a snack bar. 5300 Powerline Rd. Tel:
954-491-6265. [4]

Strawbery Banke not Strawberry Fields

NH Exit 7: New Hampshire has been added to this edition, and there at the Mrs.
Shapiro's Soup outdoor Strawbery Banke Museum in Portsmouth, you can explore
centuries of life through 43 original buildings, from the Pitt Tavern that
served John Hancock, George Washington and Paul Revere to Abbott's grocery
store that dealt with rationing during WW II, to the Shapiro Home, where Jewish
Russian immigrants lived in the 1920s.

Costumed role-players bring history to life, recounting the stories of the
people who lived and worked in these buildings, sometimes with live
demonstrations of hearth cooking, coopering, and more. There’s a daily garden
tour, and indoors there's a gallery and a discovery center to learn about
games, crafts, chores and pastimes. 14 Hancock St. Tel: 603-433-1100.

Be Bubba Gump

GA Exit 36: In Brunswick, GA, you can climb aboard Lady Jane — the only shrimp
trawler certified by the US Coast Guard — and play "Bubba Gump”. After Captain
Larry Credle welcomes you aboard, the boat goes out into the coastal waters.
While you help the crew empty the net, you learn about the species that have
been caught (which might include blue crab, sand shark, amberjack and skate
along with the shrimp). After you watch (or not) the shrimp beheading, you get
to partake in the freshest possible "shrimp boil", where you can eat as much
shrimp as you can handle. 1200 Glynn Ave. (Rte 17 or Ocean Highway) Tel:
912-265-5711. [6]

Searching for Weapons of Mass Destruction

MA Exit 30: On April 18, 1775, British General Thomas Gage gave orders to about
700 British soldiers to go out to Concord MA to seize and destroy military
supplies known to be stockpiled in the town. You can still walk the area in
Lexington and Concord where "the shot heard round the world” was fired. The
Minute Man National Historic Park highlights where British regulars clashed
with colonial militia and minute men, beginning America’s 8-year war for
independence. You may be surprised to learn that it was Dr. Samuel Prescott,
and not Paul Revere, who completed that famous ride. Tel: 978-369-6993.

Church in Your Bathing Suit?

FL Exit 261: Back in 1953, The First Christian Church organized the first
drive-in service at what was then the Neptune Drive-In Theater. Buying the
property in 1957, Daytona Beach Drive-In Church now welcomes everyone —
tourists, the physically challenged, families with kids or those looking for a
unique way to worship (honking your horn = clapping). Perfect for those going
to the beach on Sunday (don't need to wear your Sunday best!); just stay in the
car, tune in on your radio or listen to the speakers, and at the end Rev Larry
Deitch will shake your hand through the window. Then hop across the street to
the beach or be on your way. 140 S. Atlantic Ave. Tel: 386-767-8761.

What's inside Drive I-95 5th Edition: Here's a [9]FREE look

Look ahead exit by exit to see which motels (with 800 numbers), gas stations,
restaurants, campgrounds, 24-hour pharmacies, auto mechanics, radio stations or
radar traps are there, and where you can stay with your pet. We share our
stories of the road : history on I-95, museums, trivia, towns to explore or
places to run the kids. These can be read for entertainment during the drive,
and may entice you to stop, stretch your legs and discover someplace new.

Don't forget that our radio and TV interviews can always be seen [10]HERE on
our site, as well as some of our YouTube videos.

You can also order this new edition right now in downloadable PDF form to be
used on a computer, laptop or iPad, or on our brand new adorable USB key
pictured here.

PS: Buy this brand new edition for its pipeline to history and amusements.
Click [11]here or call 888-GUIDE95 (888-484-3395).

To Contact us: Stan Posner and Sandra Phillips-Posner, Travelsmart email:
[12] Phone: 1-877-GUIDE95
P.O. Box 43527 CSP Roxboro, D.D.O., QC Canada H8Y 3P4[13][14]

