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Don’t let the recession stop you from hitting the road - cut costs by doing FREE things
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Free Snakes and Tarantulas | 2 - | Free Green Eggs and Ham | 3 - | Free Underwater Sardine Can | 4 - | Free Naked Car Shower |
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| Free Moos, Neighs, Baas |
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| Free Parachute Training |
7 -
Free Drog
 | 1 - Free Snakes and Tarantulas
RI Exit 21: Regal Reptiles Adventure Center - This is a low-key, kid-fri endly place that breeds and sells reptiles and has set up exhibits of 500 snakes, lizards, frogs, geckos, tarantulas and turtle and alligator ponds. You can take a photo with an alligator, a giant tortoise or a huge snake.
There's a small gift shop with creepy reptiles to buy, books, alligator skulls, tortoise shells, T-shirts and even a frog lamp. If you're lucky you'll get to see the staff feeding the gang - we caught frogs being fed crickets. Hours: Daily 11-7. 425 Washington St. regalreptiles.com Tel: 401-277-9000.
 | 2 - Free Green Eggs and Ham |
We have stayed in almost every brand of motel on the I-95 exits, and the FREE breakfasts seem to come out of the same commissary: bagels, cream cheese, jams, peanut butter, sliced bread, 3 kinds of cold cereal, packs of hot oatmeal and hot cocoa, apples, bananas, muffins, orange juice, coffee, cold French toast to be microwaved or a waffle-maker.
Occasionally there will be a burst of excitement when we see hard boiled eggs, biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, bacon or packaged ham/egg or sausages on English muffins. It is interesting to note, though, that when you stay in the higher priced hotels, you never get a FREE breakfast!
 | 3 - Free Naked Car Shower |
NC Exit 49: Comfort Inn - This motel wins for originality. If you stay here, you are offered a free car wash, which sits plunk in the middle of the parking lot. Not only that, they offer a pet run, and guests with pets stay in a separate building away from those with allergies. Some travel needs are sold at the office: a camera, Sudoku books, Renu eye care, an ice scraper, batteries, a can opener or Preparation H. Breakfast is zuzzed up a big with biscuits and sausage gravy and a waffle maker. Tel: 910-323-8333.
 | 4 - Free Underwater Sardine Can |
CT Exit 86: USS Nautilus and U.S. Navy Submarine Force Museum - The story of the US Navy's "Silent Service" and "sharks of steel" is depicted here, starting from the Bushnell's Turtle, which served in the American Revolution. David Bushnell, from CT, developed a hand powered submarine called the Turtle, which tried to attach a 150-lb explosive charge to the British HMS Eagle hull in the NY harbor. The attempt failed. 
Learn about the modern Seawolf, Los Angeles and Ohio class submarines and get hands-on in a control room (from the USS Bill Fish) or try one of the 3 periscopes. The highlight of your experience here is boarding the Nautilus, the U.S.'s first nuclear powered submersible and the first ship to make it to the North Pole. You must go down to see how the men slept, figure out where they kept their clothes and gear and imagine 120 of them cooped up here. Hours: Nov-May, Wed-Mon 9-4; May-Oct, Wed-Mon 9-5, Tues 1-5. 1 Crystal Lake Rd. submarinemuseum.com and ussnautilus.org Tel: 800-343-0079 or 860-694-3174.
 | 5 - Free Moos, Neighs, Baas
MD Exit 3A: Oxon Cove Park/Oxon Hill Farm - If you need a breath of fresh air or a picnic spot or if the kids need to blow off some steam, enjoy this National Park Service site. The park varies from river shoreline to grassland, forest, marsh and swamp ecosystems. On a clear day, the 2-mile easy loop walk even offers a glimpse of the Washington Monument. 
The little farm has horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, a chicken coop, deer, a duck pond and an herb garden. If you stop at the right time of day, there are daily programs for cow milking, a chicken program, wagon rides or ranger talks about the history of the farm.
The property goes back to Dr. Samuel and Mary DeButts, who bought it in 1811. In 1814 they watched in horror as the War of 1812 fires from the burning of the White House and other buildings glowed on the walls of their own white house. Across the Potomac, in Alexandria Harbor, sat the British warships, and the city surrendered to them. No wonder the DeButts went off to visit their daughter in Virginia. In 1891 (and until the 1950's), the U.S. Government bought it and established a farm for St. Elizabeth's Hospital, allowing patients to work the farm for therapy and to grow their own food. Hours: Daily 8-4:30. nps.gov/nace/oxhi/index.htm Tel: 301-839-1176. |
 | 6 - Free Parachute Training
NC Exit 46: Sicily Drop Zone - Just being on a military base is exciting for some, and Fort Bragg is special, because not only can you visit 2 FREE military museums but you can, if you are there at the right time, get to observe the breathtaking sight of paratroopers billowing through the sky during training at the Sicily Drop Zone. Visitors who are not US Citizens must have pre-approval to visit and a sponsor. For drop schedule call 910-396-6366.
 | 5 - Free Drog

Our driving adventures demand constant blogging, since there is so much to do, so many yummy tastes and so many things going on along Interstate 95 between Massachusetts and Florida. We have begun our drog (driving blog) which you can see at HERE. Check in daily or weekly to see stories that should entice you to hit the road.
What's inside Drive I-95 : Here's a FREE look
You can find dozens of more free activities inside the book
Look ahead exit by exit to see which motels (with 800 numbers), gas stations, restaurants, campgrounds, 24-hour pharmacies, auto mechanics, radio stations or radar traps are there, and where you can stay with your pet. We share our stories of the road : history on I-95, museums, trivia, towns to explore or places to run the kids. These can be read for entertainment during the drive, and may entice you to stop, stretch your legs and discover someplace new.
Don't forget that our radio and TV interviews can always be seen HERE on our site, as well as some of our YouTube videos. |
PS: Buy the book to find free activities on I-95. Click here |