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With all the hoopla surrounding the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings and the Captain Phillips movie which came out this year, we're thinking about the quiet submarines, the "silent" heros of war. Since I-95 runs along the Atlantic Ocean where subs are built and moored, you have many opportunities to get up close and personal with some historic ones.
CT - |
First Subs |
FL - |
Seal Subs |
NH - |
Experimantal Sub |
GA -
Classified Subs |
GA -
Underground Sub |
CT - First Subs |
CT Exit 86: USS Nautilus and U.S. Navy Submarine Force Museum - The story of the US Navy's "Silent Service" and "sharks of steel" is depicted here, s tarting from Bushnell's Turtle, which served in the American Revolution. David Bushnell, from CT, developed a hand-powered submarine called the Turtle, which tried to attach a 150-lb explosive charge to the British HMS Eagle hull in the NY harbor. The attempt failed.
Learn about the modern Seawolf, Los Angeles and Ohio Class submarines and get hands-on in a control room (from the USS Bill Fish), or try one of the 3 periscopes. The highlight of your experience here is boarding the Nautilus, the U.S.'s first nuclear powered submersible and the first ship to make it to the North Pole. You must go there to see how the men slept, figure out where they kept their clothes and gear and imagine 120 of them cooped up here. FREE admission. 1 Crystal Lake Rd., Groton. www.ussnautilus.org Tel: 800-343-0079 or 860-694-3174.
FL - Seal Subs |
FL Exit 131: National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum - The ground you walk on here really is the birthplace of Navy Frogmen, and you can see their green-faced camouflage here. Learn that Navy Combat Demolition Units (NCDU), Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT) and Sea, Air and Land Teams (SEALs) are the only military areas where officers and enlisted men train together.
Walk up and peer inside the lifeboat from the Maersk Alabama, which was held up by pirates and depicted in the Captain Phillips movie.
From WW II, there's a real peace treaty from the Philippines, and look for the Apollo training capsule, the Mark V craft, a Huey helicopter, weapons and underwater gear. See if you can find a TV Survivor who was a Seal. Outside you can imagine being submersed in water inside the small submersible, plus oogle other SEAL crafts. 3300 N. Highway A1A, Fort Pierce. www.navysealmuseum.com Tel: 772-595-5845.
NH - Experimental Sub |
NH Exit 7: USS Albacore - Built at the Portsmouth NH Naval Base, this sub served the US Navy from 1953-1972, and never fired a weapon or went to war. Her motto, Praenuntius Futuri (Forerunner of the Future), explained her experimental mission: to be constantly redesigned and readapted into new prototypes. You can explore (self-guided audio on board) all 205 ft. of the fastest submarine of her time as she pioneered the teardrop design which became the model for many countries.

This floating lab tested new control systems, dive brakes, sonar, escape mechanisms and hydrodynamics. The indoor museum has Navy memorabilia. 600 Market St., Portsmouth. www.ussalbacore.org Tel: 603-436-3680.
GA - Classified Subs |
GA Exit 3: St. Marys Submarine Museum - Imagine an attic full of personal memorabilia of many submariners, and you get the feel of this homey museum. You can see early submarine designs (pig boats) right up to nuclear ones, consoles, a working Type-8 periscope, listings of boats built and lost in WW II and tons of command plaques.
For the truly addicted, submarine movies play all day, and you are invited to read the actual files of each U.S. submarine or support commands. More than 99% of all WW II Patrol Reports and their command history files are here (even previously classified documents); these are not usually seen by the average person or submarine veteran. 102 St. Marys St. www.stmaryssubmuseum.com Tel: 912-882-2782.
GA - Underground Sub
GA Exit 3: Down the street in front of the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, stop and see the submarine emerging from the ground. This concrete version of the decommissioned Ohio Class Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine George Bancroft (only the sail part is real) is located on Charley Smith Sr Highway at the corner of USS Benjamin Franklin Dr.

What's inside Drive I-95? |
Road trips are back and to help those who travel up and down the East coast, Drive I-95 is a new style of guidebook which combines colorful easy-to-follow pictorial maps and fun stories.
Look ahead exit by exit to see which motels (with 800 numbers), gas stations, restaurants, campgrounds, 24-hour pharmacies, auto mechanics, radio stations or radar traps are there, and where you can stay with your pet. We share our stories of the road : history on I-95, museums, trivia, towns to explore or places to run the kids. These stories can be read for entertainment during the drive, and may entice motorists to stop, stretch their legs and discover someplace new.

The 6th edition of Drive I-95: Exit by Exit Info, Maps, History and Trivia finally covers the whole length of I-95 from Maine to Miami. You can find it in book stores everywhere, at Amazon.com and on our web site.
You can also order this edition right now in downloadable PDF form to be used on a computer, laptop or iPad.
So hurry up and buy one for yourself and some for your family and friends - a very useful hostess or holiday gift. www.drivei95.com or 877-GUIDE95 (877-484-3395).
Here's a FREE look inside Drive I-95
Don't forget that our radio and TV interviews can always be seen HERE on our site, as well as some of our YouTube videos.
PS: Buy this edition to find places to have fun on land along I-95. Click here or call 888-GUIDE95 (888-484-3395). |
To Contact us: Stan Posner and Sandra Phillips-Posner, Travelsmart email: info@drivei95.com Phone: 1-877-GUIDE95
P.O. Box 43527 CSP Roxboro, D.D.O., QC Canada H8Y 3P4 www.drivei95.com